My Beliefs

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          Druidry is not a religion, contrary to what others believe. Druidry is a philosophy really.  You can still be christian, catholic ect, and be a druid.
          There are three specialties of the druid way of life : Bard, Ovate and Druid/ess.
Bards:  Are the keepers of tradition. They are schooled in the ways of the arts and usually learn poems, stories and songs to pass on traditions from generation to generation. They are school in the Ogham tree alphabet and the usage of each letter. They are the philosophers of our beliefs.
Ovates: They are the healers. They specialise in divination, and work with the process of death and reincarnation. They are who we look to to prophosize the future.
Druid/ess: They are the equivalent of todays preists and preistesses.They are the astologers, poets, musicians or even judges. They have about twenty years of various experience in thier given specialty. They act as mediators between god and man.
Ritual Killing: The facts that historians believe to be proof that Druids killed during ritual practicings is FALSE. They are all based on the writings of Julius Ceasar, who was noted by all to be a druid hater. He worked VERY hard in having all the nations of which druids were based over thrown or conformed. His writings were his way of convincing the masses that he was doing his killings because druids were "demonic", which is totally false also.Some remains of executions have been found in the archeological record, but it is not obvious whether the victims were killed during religious rituals or to carry out the sentence of a court. There is one reference to human sacrifice in Celtic literature, but it appears to be a Christian forgery. The ancient Celts might have engaged in ritual killing; certainly other contemporary societies did. Modern Druids, of course, do not.
Stonehenge, Avebury, etc.: There is no historical proof that we were or were not involved. The stone henge is constructed before Celtic nations were officially formed. Sure we were first to reside in England, and our forfathers could of constucted it. But it is not recorded to be our construction. 56 "Aubrey" holes believed to be constructed 3500 BCE, where the current info in 1500 BCE was compiled, a whole millenia before records show we arrived in England. Though we may of preformed rituals and such in the Henge, we are not sure if it was our handy work that is left standing today.

Women in Druidry.
Can women become druids?
The fact is that they can and are. I myself am a druid and am female. There are many powerful godesses in the celtic cirlce of druidry. In fact celtic women were given more rights and held higher in social rankings. They held the rights for freedom, to go to battle ect. Most of the irish celtic women found a heroine in Queen Maeve.
Women were held in such high regard that they made 9 different sanctions of marriage to protect them... They are as fallows:
  1. "union of joint property" in which the man and woman contribute the same amount of property. ( usually done to protect the male from feeling incompatant if the amount of land he either inherited or earned is less than hers.)
  2. "union of woman on man's property", in which the woman brings little or nothing into the marriage. ( maybe a few fine garments but nothing substantial.)
  3. "union of man on woman's property", in which the man brings little or nothing into the marriage. ( leaving the woman the major contributer to the marriage...hate to be the man in this marriage)
  4. a less formal partnership in which the man visits the woman who still lives with her own kin.
  5. a union in which the wife's kin does not consent to the marriage.
  6. an abduction, in which the wife willingly elopes but her kin do not permit her to go.
  7. a partnership of secrecy,.
  8. a one night's stand or "soldier's marriage"; apparently this is to protect the rights of children who might issue from a rape.
  9. the marriage of two insane persons.


Most of the most powerful godesses in Irish mythology are Female.. Here i will list a few and thier special powers and uses. In no particular order:



Brigid-(fiery arrow).
She's the goddess of fire, and she's the daughter of the Dagda and Boann (for whom the river Boyne was named). Or she may be the Dagda's sister, and daughter of Danu and Bel. In some lore, she is the Dagda's wife.
Brigid is a triple goddess, though history usually says that the Dagda and Boann had three daughters, all named Brigid!  Brigid (all three sisters, combined in one Triple Goddess) is also the goddess of the hearth, poetry, divination, prophecy, healing, the smith's craft, and traditional learning.
As a triple goddess, she's sometimes linked with Danu, the mother goddess in many pantheons, and the most likely goddess of the Tuatha de Danann. Brigid in this context is the White Maiden aspect. Her festival is Imbolc.

Brighid is also known as the 'Two-Faced One'. In the legends she is described as having one side of her face black and ugly, while the other side is white and beautiful. The Mystery of Bride is to be found in the annual transformation of the cailleach, the hag of winter, into the fair maiden of Spring.

Brigid was one of the leading goddesses in Ireland when Christianity came to the country, so she was transformed into "St. Brigid," whose fire burned unceasingly until jerky Henry VIII ordered it put out. In recent years, it has been re-lit and will (hopefully) burn forevermore in Ireland. The nuns of St. Brigid's order were more highly respected in Ireland than the priests were, hence Henry VIII's efforts to lessen her power.

The Christian church made her into the "foster mother" of Christ, and said she was the midwife at his birth. There is also a British family tree for Jesus, showing that his family actually came from the Glastonbury (Somerset, England) area, so that's why Brigid would have been there at his birth.

In Pagan beliefs, she is the one who gives hope and new beginnings. Her closest counterpart in Greek mythology is Athena.


Danu, the Red Mother of All, Major Mother Goddess of Ireland, Mother of the Gods and Patroness of wizards, rivers, water, wells, prosperity and plenty, Magic and wisdom. Her children were the Tuatha Dé Danann, the tribe of the gods. Danu is one of a triad of war goddesses known collectively as the Morrighan.


A shapeshifting war Goddess of lust, magic, prophecy, revenge, war. Celtic Goddess of war who hovered over the battlefield as a crow or raven. She has been equated with Medh. Known as Great Queen, Supreme War Goddess, Queen of Phantoms, and Specter Queen, she kept company with Fea (hateful), Badb (fury), and Macha (battle). Variants: Morrigu, Morrighan, Morgan.


Goddess of plenty and Mother Earth. Greatest of all Irish goddesses, deity of cattle, health, fertility, prosperity, and comfort. Also known as Danu or Don. She is considered to be the ancestor of all the Gods. A mountain in County Kerry called the Dá Chích Anann or "Breast of Anu". In Leicestershire she is known as Black Annis.


Goddess of enlightenment, inspiration, life, wisdom. Sister of Macha, the Morrigan, and Anu, the name of this goddess means "boiling," "battle raven," and "scald-crow". Known as Cath Bodva in Gaul. A Mother Goddess and Triple Goddess, Badb's cauldron boiled with the ever-producing mixture that produced all life. Variants: Badhbh, Badb Catha.

Caer Ibormeith

Goddess of sleep and dreams; and perhaps a less violent version of Mare; daughter of Ethal Anubail, a faery king of Connacht. She often took the form of a swan who lived on a lake called Dragon's Mouth, and wore a copious golden chain with 130 golden balls on a silver chain about her slender neck. She was loved by Aengus MacOg, God of young love. When he awakened from a dream of her he sought her out. After he found her, he too became a swan, and the two of them flew and sang the sweetest, most restful music ever heard upon this earth. Together they flew away to Bruigh na Boinne, his megalithic site north of Tara, where they sang so wonderfully that the whole of Ireland fell into a peaceful sleep for three days and three nights.


Goddess of cunning, death, sheer physical force, war; protectoress in both battle and peace. Known as Crow, Queen of Phantoms, and the Mother of Life and Death, she was honored at Lunasa. Variants: Mania, Mana, Mene, Minne.

Goddess of forests, wild creatures. A shapeshifting goddess who rode in a deer-drawn chariot. Consort of he Horned God.

Druid Magic
Druid magic is a strong and healthy awareness of nature, and the spirits and gods who live in nature. A Druid must be in the understand  of the language that Nature uses to speak its wisdom.  Druid magic has a votive quality; magic is performed by appealing to the gods to perform a service in return for an offering that of personal choosing. Mythic Druids often used trance-ecstacy to achieve their purpose as well. But in the myths very little attention is paid to summoning or controlling spirits and gods, instead, the Druids sought communication and communion.
Aisling-   A dream or a vision . Possibly, Aisling referrs to altered states of consciousness.
Immram -  A journey to the realms where the Gods live, possibly by shaman flight. Literally, Immram means "sea journey", for it is in the western ocean that the islands of otherworldly paradices were located.
Imbas-  Inspiration, poetic frenzy, the "fire in the head" that Amergin speaks of. Possibly, Imbas referrs to altered states of consciousness.
Echtra-  "Adventure", expeditions and journeys on holy ground. This way of magic often happens "accidentally" to heroes, warriors, and hunters.
Dra/iocht-  The word for magic. Literally translated, it means "what Druids do".
Fi/rinne-  "Truth", or "Justice". The binding force of nature, the way of nature. Note the signifigance of Truth and Justice being in the same word.


Preparations for HERBAL Healing

To get the maximum benefit from herbal remedies, the herbs must be properly prepared. Women of childbearing age should always make sure the herbs they are using are safe during pregnancy. Here are some standard herbal preparations:


A standard infusion is prepared by adding 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried herb (or 2 to 4 teaspoons of fresh herb) to a cup of boiling water. Infuse for 10 minutes before straining. If the herb is left too long, the infusion will become bitter. It's best to use a ceramic pot with a lid.

The standard dosage is one cup three times a day. It may be taken hot or cold, but infusions prepared for colds and flu should be taken hot. Never prepare the infusion more than 24 hours in advance.


This is usually the method of choice for bark and seeds. Use 1 to 2 teaspoons of herb per cup of cold water. Bring the mixture gently to a boil. Keeping covered, simmer for about 10 minutes.

The usual dosage is 1 cup three times a day. If the herb is very bitter or strong, use 4 teaspoons three times a day. Prepare no more than 24 hours in advance.


A tincture is an alcoholic extraction of herb. Alcohol dissolves the active constituents out of the plant matter and acts as a preservative, allowing the tincture to retain its effectiveness for up to 2 years. Any part of the plant may be used.

Place 4 ounces of dried herb in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid and add 2 cups vodka. Leave for two weeks, shaking occasionally, then strain through a cloth into a brown glass bottle. Keep tightly closed.

The standard dosage is 15 drops three times daily.

Herbal Wine

Use a sweet red wine with an alcohol content of at least 12%. Cover four ounces of herb with three cups of wine. Leave for a week before straining.

Take four teaspoons one or two times daily. Herbal wine is best used within a month.


Sugar is a good preservative and is ideal for cough mixtures, especially since some herbs for cough are very bitter.

Prepare two cups of an infusion or decoction of the required herb. Strain and add 1¾ cup brown sugar or a honey and sugar mixture. Heat gently until the sugar dissolves. Pour into a clean glass bottle and seal. Store in the refrigerator.

The standard dosage is one teaspoon three times a day.


Dry, powdered herb can be placed inside empty capsules. This method is preferred by some people who cannot tolerate bitter herbs.

Oil Infusion

Oil infusions are for external use only. They can be prepared by hot or cold methods. For the hot method, fill a jar with fresh herb and cover with olive, sunflower or almond oil. Place the jar up to the neck in a saucepan of water and bring to a medium temperature. Simmer for up to three hours. Strain through filter paper or cloth into a brown glass bottle. Follow the same instructions for the cold method, except that the oil should be placed on a sunny windowsill instead of heated. The process can be repeated with the strained oil infusion and a fresh supply of herbs to make a stronger oil.


A cream is a blend of oil, beeswax and water. You can make your own, or purchase an unscented, water based cream. After adding herb to purchased cream, simmer in the top of a double boiler for 30 minutes. Strain before it cools.

Melt two ounces beeswax in a double boiler. Add one cup olive or other vegetable oil and blend. Add two ounces herb. For lighter cream, add a little water, mixing well. Simmer 20 minutes, mixing well. Add a drop of tincture of benzoin as a preservative. Strain thorough a cloth in to sterilized jars.


Ointment does not penetrate the skin like cream, but covers and protects it. Petroleum jelly is a good base, and the method is the same as for a cream.

Melt petroleum jelly in a double boiler and add plenty of herbs, making sure that the melted petroleum jelly covers the herb. Simmer until the herbs are crisp. More herb may be added to make a stronger ointment. Strain into jars while hot.


These are best made in advance so they will be ready when needed. Blend equal quantities of powdered herbs with cocoa butter. Place the mixture into bullet-shaped molds made of foil and refrigerate. Remove the foil before use.


Soak a cloth in a hot decoction of herb, squeeze most of the liquid out and apply the hot cloth to the affected area. Once it has cooled, repeat the process. Tinctures of other herbs and essential oils can be added to the liquid.


Poultices are effective for boils, abscesses, chest infections and sprains. Mix chopped herb or powdered seeds with boiling water to make a pulp. Place the pulp in a piece of cloth and apply to the affected area while hot. It should be replaced when cool. A thin layer of calendula cream will protect the skin and prevent the poultice from sticking.

Steam and Inhalant

Use steam for skin problems like acne and an inhalant for bronchial problems like sunusitis and laryngitis. Add a strong decoction, one or two drops of essential oils, or 2 teaspoons of tincture to boiling water.

Remedies and Useful Herbs.


Ginger Tea

To make a tea, add 1 heaping teaspoon of grated fresh gingerroot to 1 cup of boiled water. Allow it to steep for 10 minutes. If you use dried ginger powder use 1/3 to 1/2 teaspoon of powdered ginger per cup. Drink warm.

Drink a cup of ginger tea several times (at least 3 times) a day. Ginger contains a dozen antiviral compounds. And it tastes good. Sip the tea slowly. Don't gulp it down. Swish it around the mouth before swallowing. This helps the liquid to mix with the enzymes in the saliva and rapidly assimilates the herbs into the blood stream.


Herbal Cold Tea


1 part - elder (Sambucus nigra)
1 part - peppermint (Mentha piperita)
1 part - yarrow (Achillea millefolium)


Combine the ingredients. Steep 1 to 2 tsp of the mixture in 1 cup hot water. Allow it to steep for 10-25 minutes covered. Strain and drink it hot just before going to bed. It may be taken with a pinch of mixed spice and a little honey to soothe a painful throat.

Note: Prepare a fresh cup for each dose. Sip the dosage slowly, never gulp it down. Swish it around the mouth before swallowing. This helps the liquid to mix with the enzymes in the saliva and rapidly assimilates the herbs into the blood stream.

This tea will induce a sweat, and if the cold is caught early enough, may stop it altogether. Even if it is too late for this it will still be very useful. This tea can help the body handle fever and reduce achiness, congestion, and inflammation.


Peppermint-Rosemary-Elder Flu Remedy
This remedy is good for colds with flu Symptoms.

black elder flowers - 1 cup
Irish moss - 1 cup
juniper berries - 1 cup
peppermint - 1 cup
plantain - 1 cup
rosemary - 1 cup
honey - as needed

Mix all the herbs. Steep 1 teaspoon of the herb mix in 1 cup boiling water for 15 minutes. Strain. Reheat and sweeten with honey. Drink twice daily.



Is used to help protect cells during infection and prevents pathogens, bacteria and viruses from entering. There are many examples of how echinacea was successfully used in strengthening the immune system, warding off the EBS virus and providing relief to the user. Take 15-20 drops in liquid, three times daily for two days. Or, 300 to 325 mg three times daily.


Siberian ginseng

Is used to  increase the body's resistance to stress, fatigue, and disease. It also has been shown to increase mental alertness, and possesses strong antioxidant properties. Choose a standardized extract containing 0.5 percent eleutheroside E and take 100 to 200 milligrams twice daily, in the morning and again in the afternoon.

St. John's Wort

This unassuming plant with little yellow flowers is probably the best known of all herbal remedies for depression. Clinically used in Germany for over 40 years, St. John's Wort has been proven to be a successful antidepressant as well as antibiotic and anti-viral agent. Be sure to read about the drug interactions of this powerful herb.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba is a powerful antidepressant and antioxidant that increases blood flow to the brain and other parts of the body. This improved blood circulation increases memory, promotes cardiovascular health, corrects impotency caused by arterial insufficiency and alleviates symptoms of Alzheimer's patients. Asthma sufferers may also benefit due to its high flavonoid content.


Candle Magic.

Candles are used in various ways by all kinds of Witches. In Witchcraft consecrated white candles are placed on altars and at the four corners of the magic circle. When it is called for in ceremonial magic candles are positioned to form a Pentacle. Candles are burned at all religious ceremonies. Colored candles are used in magical spells. The color has its own vibration, attribute, symbolism, and influence. Also, the colors correspond to the signs of the Zodiac; some signs have more than one color.

Colors And Meanings..

white -- spiritual blessings, purity(purification), healing, rest breaking of curses; meditation; household.

light blue -- peace, harmony, joy, kindly intentions ,Psychic and spiritual awareness; prophet dreams; protection during sleep; Aquarius; Virgo.

dark blue -- moodiness, depression, unfortunate circumstances

green -- money spells, gambling luck, business, steady work, good crops, healing; and prosperity; luck; fertility; Sagittarius

yellow -- devotion, prayer, cheerfulness, attraction, persuasion; confidence and charm; aid to memory and studying; Virgo; Gemini.

red -- love spells, affection, passion, bodily vigour, sexuality; strength, physical health and vigor; protection; Scorpio; Aires

pink -- attraction, romance, clean living, love and friendship; entertaining; morality; overcoming evil; Cancer.

purple -- mastery, power, ambition, control, command, reversing a curse; speeding healing during illness; extra power; Pisces; Libra (lavender).

orange -- change of plans, opening the way, prophetic dreams, courage; solving legal problems; concentration; encouragement; Taurus.

brown -- court case spells , neutrality, protecting pets; solving household problems; attracting help in financial crisis; Capricorn.

black -- repulsion, dark thoughts, sorrow, freedom from evil

 (Double Action) red and black -- remove a love-jinxing spell

(Double Action) white and black  -- to return evil to the sender

(Double Action) green and black  -- remove money-jinxing

Colors of the spectrum and their healing powers:

Violet: Violet is at the opposite end of the spectrum from red. Good for mental disorders, the nervous system, baldness and female complaints.

Indigo: Indigo is a slight narcotic removing fears and reassures those afraid of the dark. Good for emotional problems, deafness, and especially good for the eyes, even cataracts.

Blue: Blue acts as an antiseptic and cooling agent. Excellent for inflammations including those of internal organs. Good for cuts and burns, also for rheumatism.

Green: Green is the great healer. It is neutral to the other others. It serves as a general tonic and neutralizer. When in doubt, use green. Excellent for heart problems, neuralgic headaches, ulcers, head colds and boils.

Yellow: Yellow is excellent in treating bowel and intestine problems. It can act as a mild sedative to relieve many fears and give a mental uplift. It is good for treating indigestion and heartburn, constipation, piles, also menstrual problems.

Orange: Orange is not as harsh of a color as red, but has many of the same properties. Very good for illnesses of the respiratory system such as asthma and bronchitis; also good as a tonic and laxative.

Red: Red is at one end of the spectrum. It is a warm color which invigorates, excellent when used for treatment of persons having heat diseases, anemia, and liver diseases.

Copyrighted to Bansheekisses